FAQs about the Egg Retrieval Process

Q1. When should I start birth control?

You should have received specific instructions on starting birth control, please connect with Taylor, RN, if not. Generally, you will begin birth control on cycle day three of the period one month before your retrieval procedure is planned. For example- if you have a retrieval in February, you will need to start birth control in January by cycle day three.

Q2. I have been taking the birth control consistently according to the doctor’s instructions, but I have some spotting/bleeding. Should I be worried?

Breakthrough bleeding happens commonly. Usually, it is no big deal. We will look over your baseline labs and ultrasound to be sure your body is ready to start the stimulation medications.

Q3. I stopped the birth control according to my calendar, should I expect a period now?

Yes, once you stop taking the birth control, you should expect a period.

Q4. Do my stimulation medications need to be refrigerated?

Refrigerate any OPEN medications. Usually any multiuse vial- low dose compounded HCG, used gonal-f pens/vials, leuprolide compounded vial, omnitrope vials, and zomacton vials need to be refrigerated.

Q5. When should I start my antagonist medication (Ganirelix)?

Do not start your ganirelix injections until you are instructed to do so the doctor will decide when to start based on the follicle sizes seen in the day 5 and 8 ultrasounds.

Q6. I only received 2 or 3 gonal-f 900 unit redi-ject pens, will I need more?

Gonal-f pens are MULTIUSE- please do not throw them away! Each pen contains about 1000 units of gonal-f. Your medications were ordered based on a best estimate of how much you will need for 12 days. You may have a little left over, or if the doctor increases your dose, you may need to order more.

Q7. I have left over medications, should I throw them away?

We accept donations. Please consider donating any extras before throwing them in the trash.

Q8. Is my Novarel trigger shot intramuscular?

Currently, the preferred method is subcutaneous. The box says intramuscular, but it can also be given subcutaneously. Here is a great tutorial! How To Inject Novarel® 5,000 IU Subcutaneously | Fertility Treatment | CVS Specialty® (youtube.com)

Q9. What size needle do I use for the Novarel injection?

Please use a small needle- you should have received a 3ml syringe with a 25g x 5/8 in needle. Use that one!

Q10. Do I need to use both the Lupron and Novarel to trigger?

Usually, yes. You should have clear instructions on your updated calendar.

Q11. When will I know what date my procedure will be?

Procedure dates and times are not set until after the day 8 scan. The doctor decides when to retrieve based on follicle sizes and lab results. As soon as she assigns a trigger injection time, you will receive set appointment information on an updated calendar. The initial projected retrieval day is likely to change.

Q12. On my calendar, I only have medication doses listed to day 5, why?

Your doses may change/fluctuate. The doctor will review day 5 scans and labs to determine if your doses need to be adjusted. You will receive an updated calendar with doses.

Q13. What should I expect the day of my procedure?

Please arrive one hour prior to the procedure time. Nothing to eat or drink 8 hours prior to procedure. Your partner (if applicable) will need to provide a fresh sperm sample in the office. After a sample is provided, staff will prepare you for your procedure. We use IV sedation. Your procedure will take about 20-45min. After the procedure, recovery will take about 30 minutes.

Q14. What should I wear the day of my procedure?

Lose comfy clothes, no jewelry or perfume.

Q15. Do I need someone to drive me home?

Yes, please have an adult over 18 years old with a valid license available to drive you home.

Q16. When will my partner provide a sperm sample for fertilization?

Fresh sperm samples before the start of the egg retrieval procedure are preferred. Your partner may collect in the office. If you feel you need to make any special arrangements, please reach out to Taylor, RN to discuss a plan.

Q17. Are there any special instructions for providing the sperm sample?

Yes, please abstain from ejaculation of any type for at least two days but no more than 5 days. Please collect the semen specimen by masturbation directly into a sterile specimen container, provided by the clinic. Lubricants, saliva, lotions, etc., may not be used to obtain the sample as they may be harmful to the sperm. Clean the penis and hands prior to collection with water only.

Q18. I live far away from the clinic, when should I plan to travel?

We recommend arriving the night before the procedure and heading home the day after the procedure. Please be cautious when booking arrangements as your calendar is not concrete. Alaska’s weather is always a factor, please take this into consideration, especially in the winter months.

Q19. Can I travel immediately following the egg retrieval?

Major travel is not recommended for at least a week post egg retrieval.

Q20. Will I be in a lot of pain after the procedure?

Expect moderate discomfort to moderate pain. You will feel “full” and bloated following the medications. Swelling and some light bleeding is expected. The pain should gradually improve over the week following the procedure, the worst of it being the first three days post op. We are happy to provide pain medication as needed, just ask!

Q21. When should I be concerned about my symptoms after the procedure?

Reach out to the clinic if the pain is intolerable, you have any signs of infection like fever/chills/body aches, difficulty peeing, excessive bleeding of more than a pad an hour. Seek immediate medical attention if you are having difficulty breathing or chest pains. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is an infrequent, but not uncommon, complication of the shots that you received during your IVF cycle. It tends to occur 5 to 12 days after your retrieval. You may feel achy and bloated after your ovarian stimulation. This can be normal. However, if it becomes worse, if your ordinary clothes are not fitting, if you are having difficulty with breathing, if you are rapidly gaining weight, have worsening pain, or if you are experiencing severe nausea or vomiting you must contact your doctor.

Q22. What if I am getting low on medications during the stimulation process?

Please let Taylor, RN know! We may need to order more.

Q23. Can I take Ibuprofen or Tylenol?

Yes, both are okay.

Q24. Can we have intercourse during the stimulation cycle?

Yes, protected intercourse is totally fine.

Q25. Can we have intercourse after my egg retrieval?

We recommend nothing in the vagina for 7 days.

Q26. Can I take a bath or soak in a hot tub after my egg retrieval?

We recommend waiting 7 days to prevent infection.

Q27. What preventative measures are taken to avoid infection after the egg retrieval?

We use sterile technique during the egg retrieval. Additionally, you will receive prophylactic antibiotics in the procedure room on the day of your procedure.

Q28. After my trigger shot, do I need to take a pregnancy test?

Yes, please take a urine pregnancy test at home the day after you trigger and send Taylor, RN your results. We expect them to be POSITIVE due to the Novarel trigger shot.

Q29. I am feeling intense cramping/bloating after my trigger shot, is this normal?

Yes, totally expected after the trigger shot.

Q30. How long will it take for my period to start after the egg retrieval?

You should have a period within two weeks following your procedure.

Q31. What supplements should I take after my egg retrieval is complete?

We recommend a good prenatal and vitamin D3. DHEA and CoQ10 is not needed after retrieval.

Q32. When will preparation for the embryo transfer begin?

Please notify Taylor, RN, when your first period begins following the egg retrieval, you will most likely need to start birth control and begin transfer cycle preparations.

Q33. We opted to do genetic embryo testing, how soon will our results be back?

Generally, results take 2-3 weeks. Luminary will send you consents and payment instructions prior to releasing the genetic testing results.

Q34. What is ICSI?

ICSI is almost always the recommended type of fertilization because fertilization rates are usually higher when ICSI is utilized. The embryologist will select healthy looking sperm and manually fertilize each egg.

Q35. What is conventional fertilization?

The embryologist will place the eggs and the sperm in the same dish and allow the sperm to locate and fertilize the eggs on their own.

Q36. When should I expect to hear fertilization and freeze results from the doctor?

You will receive a call from your doctor the day after your egg retrieval to inform you of your fertilization rates. You will hear from your doctor again a week later to inform you of the culture and freeze results.

Q37. I received a bill from Luminary for PGT (genetic testing,) didn’t I already pay the clinic for PGT?

The clinic charges a fee for PGT biopsies to be performed by the embryologist. The biopsies are then sent to Luminary, to run the genetic testing on each biopsy. You will owe a fee directly to Luminary for the genetic testing process. In short, you will have two separate charges associated with PGT- one to the clinic and one to Luminary. This should have been discussed in detail during your financial consultation.

Q38. How do I administer my stimulation medications?

FAQs about the Frozen Embryo Transfer Process

Q1. I have been taking the birth control consistently according to the doctor’s instructions, but I have some spotting/bleeding. Should I be worried?

Breakthrough bleeding happens commonly. Usually, it is no big deal. We will look over your baseline labs and ultrasound to be sure your body is ready to start the transfer prep process.

Q2. Can the estrace pills be taken orally and vaginally?

Yes! Please follow the specific instructions given to you with your prescription or written on your calendar.

Q3. I stopped the birth control according to my calendar, should I expect a period now?

Yes, once you stop taking the birth control, you should expect a period.

Q4. Do I have to do labs every time I have an ultrasound?

Yes, please have labs drawn as early as possible on the same day as your ultrasound is scheduled.

Q5. Are the labs fasting?

No, you can have all labs drawn non-fasting.

Q6. Do I need to make an appointment to have my labs drawn?

No, your labs are walk-in and do not require an appointment.

Q8. Can we have intercourse during the transfer cycle preparation?

Yes, protected intercourse is totally fine.

Q9. What should I expect for the day of the transfer?

Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment time with a FULL bladder. Do not void until after the transfer procedure is completed. Your partner may accompany you to the procedure room. The transfer procedure is usually about 20-30 minutes. The most uncomfortable part should be the urge to pee. You may leave the clinic immediately following the procedure. No sedation is needed or used.

Q10. What should I wear the day of my procedure?

Lose comfy clothes, no perfume.

Q11. Is the Progesterone in Oil an intramuscular injection?

Q12. How long will I need to do progesterone injections?

You will need to keep up with the progesterone injections until 10 weeks of pregnancy or until a negative pregnancy test.

Q13. How long will I need to take vaginal estrace?

You will need to take vaginal estrace until 10 weeks of pregnancy or until a negative pregnancy test.

Q14. When will my pregnancy test be?

Your beta-HCG lab (serum pregnancy test) will be drawn about 10 days post transfer. Lab orders will be sent electronically. Details will be discussed the day of your transfer.

Q15. When should I set up care with an OB?

Please establish care with a primary obstetrician by 8-10weeks of pregnancy.

Q16. Can I travel after the transfer?

Yes, but please let me know where to send your beta-HCG lab order.

Q17. Can I take Ibuprofen or Tylenol for pain during the FET preparation cycle?

Yes, both are okay.

Q18. When will I know the time of my transfer procedure appointment?

Set schedules are usually not decided on until the week before the procedures. Usually, the day of your transfer will not change from your FET cycle calendar schedule, but specific times are not concrete until close to the procedure week.

Q19. I live far away from the clinic, when should I plan to travel?

We recommend arriving the night before the procedure and heading home the day of the procedure. Please be cautious when booking arrangements as your FET cycle calendar is not concrete. Alaska’s weather is always a factor, lease take this into consideration, especially in the winter months.

Q20. Does my partner have to come to the clinic on the day of the embryo transfer?

No, but please be sure to sign all consents ahead of time. Signatures of both intended parents are required. You will receive consents via DocuSign about 3 weeks prior to the procedure date.

Q21. When should I start the progesterone injections?

Please wait until you are instructed to start the progesterone injections. Usually, they will begin 5 days prior to the transfer date.

Q22. I have knots around the progesterone injection site, is this normal?

Progesterone can cause itchiness and knots in the muscle where it is injected. Warm compresses and gentle massaging can help break them up. If they become painful or hot to the touch, please let Taylor know.

Q23. Can I inject progesterone in my thigh?

It is not recommended. The recommended site is the upper glute. Please review this tutorial for recommended injection site. How To Inject Progesterone in Oil | Fertility Treatment | CVS Specialty® (youtube.com)

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